IIT Austin Venues & HOTEL

AT&T Hotel and Conference Center, Austin, TX

Innovations In Training Austin Venues and Locations

As you know, Innovations in Training Austin is a “moveable feast,” with multiple sites and venues being visited throughout this experiential learning field trip.

That said, the co-located TechLearn 2022 Conference will provide a conference hotel venue, the starting point each day, and the location where any IIT transportation provided will originate.

We will send specific details to you via email with exact locations and addresses, as well as add this information to the IIT Austin Agenda page, too.

As you finalize your details, if you still have questions, please contact Steve Dahlberg at onlinelearning@trainingmag.com.


event HOtelS

Innovations in Training Austin is co-located with Training magazine’s TechLearn 2022 Conference. The official conference venue and hotel is:

AT&T Hotel and Conference Center
1900 University Avenue
Austin, TX 78705

An additional official hotel is located two blocks away:

Hilton Garden Inn Austin University Capitol District
301 W. 17th Street
Austin, TX 78701

Find out more about TechLearn/Innovations in Training hotels. Rooms at each location are on a space-available basis after the booking deadlines.

Book via our housing partner, Connections Housing:

  • Online

  • Phone: 1.404.842.0000

  • Email: TechLearn@ConnectionsHousing.com